To place an order, you can either call our sales team at (+91)123 456 7890 or soon you can place an order online on our website (our website will shortly feature online ordering). We accept all major credit cards such as VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover Card, as well as cashier's checks and money orders by mail. Please keep in mind that cashier's checks and money orders take longer to obtain and that after we receive the cashier's check or money order, we will contact you to verify your order and ship it out as per our delivery commitment.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a pickup option as our inventory is dispersed from multiple supplier locations. However, all orders placed within the United States come with free shipping.
The engine assembly that will be received will include the main internal parts, such as the block, head, piston, camshaft, and crankshaft, as well as other components. Additional parts, such as change-over accessories and items that may show wear and tear, may also be included but will not be covered by warranty and will not be charged for.
Generally, orders are delivered within a timeframe of 7-10 business days (excluding holidays and weekends). However, in rare cases, unforeseen circumstances may cause a delay in the delivery.
We offer a 90-day return and refund guarantee for all orders. Shipping costs for returns that are covered by warranty will be covered by Bigace. For more information, please refer to our "Returns and Refund" page.
If you experience a problem with an engine or transmission purchased from Bigace, please reach out to us. We will work with you or the auto shop to resolve the issue while the part is still installed in the vehicle. Our team is skilled in problem-solving and troubleshooting to save time and money. If the issue persists, we will guide you through the process of receiving a replacement engine or transmission covered by warranty. For more information, please refer to our “Warranty” page.